
Student Perspective on Safety

Student in campus

Respectively one thing that I personally kept in mind going into college was that being on my own, I would be walking by myself at anytime during the day coming to and from class, attending events with people I know, or most definitely encountering strangers. There were many factors that I knew would be an important part of going to college and one of which would be feeling safe. As a college student myself I know that my campus doesn’t make me feel safe at times, and I reached out to other students from various grades, and different schools and the list of perspectives from students range from what is most common, and to the severe thoughts that linger: a fear of assault.

1. Blue Lights/ Lighting

When I spoke to other students they mentioned that no matter how lit a place can be, being alone especially late at night is an extremely uncomfortable and scary situation. Most college campuses’ have what are called “blue light,” but students are saying that these aren’t enough. There are areas on campus that aren’t lit at all and that automatically makes the heads of students go every which way making sure they aren’t being followed late at night from class. This feeling alone is one that students hate to have, considering being on campus – shouldn’t be scary.

2. Police presence

These were two prevalent ideas that were brought up when fellow students spoke to me about their safety – but no matter what, many students are walking alone late at night, in the darkest areas of campus and the impulse thought of “what ifs” that could happen are nearly inevitable to avoid. Just walking to ones car after leaving the library, or returning to a parking garage they are still fearful that someone could easily take them, grab them, or any way – assault them. Shockingly enough, this fear is most common across all U.S. campuses’, the fear of being assaulted or raped on or off campus is one of the “what ifs” that linger in students mind hurrying back to their dorm after a late night of studying and walking through a low lit area on campus. Although on campus incidents are not just increasing and sadly becoming a “norm” in media, but the areas involving students right outside of campus are where students safety are thrown up into the air. Just recently I received 3 rape incident emails, and one off-campus party shooting involving a freshman and 23 year old. One thing that truly scares me the most is will this ever come to an end? Or the thought that maybe I shouldn’t be going out – What can you do to ensure your own safety, and someone else’s? Besides campus policies, regulations, and protocall; crimes are never ending and you should never have to feel unsafe when returning from class. There are many flaws in the system that campuses’ around the country are trying to deal with in order to make a students college experience one they don’t have to have nightmares over. One thing that struck me in an area that hit me so close to home was a freshman victim of a hateless crime, stating that she told her mom after being shot at, at an off-campus party was that this was the exact reason why she didn’t want to attend this school. She had never been to a party before, and was an honors student. The perspective from a student alone is powerful – and it says more than any news article, report, or interview could ever say. The way students feel on and off campus says a lot about the university and knowing that these ongoing fears are something that need to be spoken out about more, fixated and controlled by the schools. I hope that one day we can all go to school without the fear of someone hurting another. For now – download Covert Alert next time you, your daughter or son, and friend have to travel alone late at night, or are uncomfortable in any situation.

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