
5 Reasons Why You Should Download, Sign-in, And Use Covert Alert.

5 Reasons Why You Should Download, Sign-in, And Use Covert Alert. Today’s cultural environment is every changing, and although it has evolved over the past many generations, today’s changes are faster and more extreme than ever before. America has always been a melting pot, but now it is overflowing like a massive volcano erupting in the nights sky. Every single person needs to review their own personal safety plans. It does not matter if you are male; female; white; black; brown; straight; gay; bi; transgender; democrat; republican; independent; rich; middle class; poor; or just someone trying to get through the day without incident, taking personal safety into your own hands is necessary. Human life is precious and response times of first responders are critical, and that is why we developed Covert Alert. These 5 simple reasons are why you need to download the app; sign-in to the app; and use it as part of your overall safety plan! </h3>


Covert Alert is the first voice activated safety app on the market today. First introduced via the iTunes App store in 2015, we have had countless updates to make this the best safety app on the market today. The app works in both the foreground, background, and locked screen modes. Just say “Protect Me Now” when you feel you may be in danger and the app begins listening for your 3 keywords, numbers, or a combination thereof. If something does happen, state your keywords and your emergency contacts are instantaneously notified. The notification link is sent to 5 of the emergency contacts you want and contains your exact location, real time GPS mapping, miles per hour if you are moving, and you may choose to live stream the audio of your emergency to your emergency contacts so they can hear the peril you are in. No other app on the market today provides the benefits Covert Alert includes and remember, you don’t always have the use of your hands in an emergency.

Girl using voice recognition


The minute you state your keywords, Covert Alert begins recording in crystal clear quality the entire event. Every word spoken is saved on your device and in your private cloud that only you can access. You may choose to share your recording with anyone you choose. You may download your recording from the User Portal to any device you wish for future reference. You are in total control of the recordings, no one else, and you may use them at your discretion as you see fit. The he said she said is eliminated because you, and only you, have the recorded proof. Visit the user portal at

covert alert user portal


Covert Alert does not collect data. We are not a social media app. We are not a Google tracking every site you visit. We require 3 pieces of information in the sign-up process which includes your full name, email address and password. That is all that is required. Your full name is required only because that goes to your emergency contacts in the event of an emergency. We do not use your phone number for texting because that would not be covert. We use a random number that sends the alert, so it is important your emergency contacts immediately see your name in the message. Secondly, we require an email address so you may retrieve your password in the event you forget it. We all have many passwords and trying to remember them is an impossibility. The email address allows us to send you a notification to change your password if you have forgotten it. That is all. We do not sell email addresses and if you are using the email address regularly, it is already public and many companies have it, so there is no advantage to us.Finally, the password which is encrypted in our system and only you have access to it. It, along with the email address is used to sign into our user portal. We do not have access to that, nor does anyone else. Our systems are secure and frankly there are no benefits in hacking your name and email address. If data collection is preventing you from signing into Covert Alert, you should not be concerned. We have no data to collect.



Covert Alert does not use senseless call centers to report your emergency. By the time you press a button; send an alert to a call center; receive a call asking if it is a false alert or real, if you receive that call; then have the call center call 911 and try to report the details; then 911 notifies first responders and tries to report the details, well I think you see the madness behind this. You have wasted 5 to 10 minutes with needless BS and it’s your life on the line. Currently Covert Alert immediately goes to your emergency contacts that call 911 direct. In the very near future, Covert Alert will go to a first responder mapping system that live streams everything to them instantaneously. 10 minutes turns into seconds. Your emergency becomes priority one, not some wait in line type episode. As stated before, human life is precious and response time is our number 1 focus.

911 Call center


The app download is free. You get 50 free text messages and 15 minutes of recording time. If you use all your 50 free text messages and your 15 free minutes of recording time, yes there are in app purchases to buy more. It is not a social app; it is a safety app! You have plenty of minutes and text messages to set it up and test it. The adage nothing is free in life, is true here also. We have tried to provide our users with the very best personal safety device with little to no cost, but if you are using it like a social media app, we cannot incur the cost of that and in app purchases are necessary. So, set it up; test it; use it for it’s intended purpose, and we guarantee you will not find anything better on the market today to assist in your personal safety. Download and sign-in to Covert Alert today. If you need help, we are here to assist!

covert alert app

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