Personal Safety Steps-For Everyone!
Today I was reading the Sunday news and like every Sunday 2 stories caught my eye immediately after I got through all the political crap. The first was a 73 year old businessman and philanthropist from Atlanta, Georgia who was murdered while waiting for his wife outside a CVS, as a result of an apparent robbery and carjacking. The second was an 88 year old woman that was robbed and carjacked in Livonia, Michigan outside a Walmart, and left in the parking lot battered and bruised. Although both were elderly, anyone could surf the internet this weekend and find multiple stories on murder, rape, sexual violence, hate crimes, robbery, and the list goes on and on, regardless of age or gender.
Numerous articles and blogs have been written on safety tips for women which are all well and good, but it’s time we all woke up and realized that women are not the weaker sex when it comes to violent crimes. Sex and sexuality have no discriminatory characteristics. We are all subject to violent attacks at any time regardless of gender, race, and/or sexual orientation. Sadly it’s a fact and we all need to take measures to protect ourselves against those who want what we have. The steps outlined below, although not all inclusive, should be taken seriously because it is imperative in any violent situation, adding seconds to your side of the situation may save your life.
1. Be Aware of your Surroundings
We all have gut instincts and most of the time they are correct. Always look around and access every situation before you enter it. Never be afraid to look behind you and if your gut tells you something is out of place, it probably is. Do not just push that feeling aside, act on it. Do not be afraid to be rude. If someone gets too close to you, tell them to get out of your face. Predators will not act on the surface like predators, but your gut may tell you something isn’t right, and when it does avoid that situation completely. Always be strong, confident and pay close attention to your feelings.
2. Download a Personal Safety App on your Phone
Let’s be honest, we all use our smart phones about 4 – 5 hours per day minimum. I’m biased and I will admit that right up front, I am one of the co-founders of Covert Alert, but everyone should have an app downloaded on their smart phone that assists them in an emergency. That app must alert emergency contacts and it must record the events of the emergency for future retrieval. Covert Alert is hands free, meaning voice activated. You do not have to push or hold a button. It is also covert because no one knows you stated your keywords that sent the alert and started the recording. In an emergency situation, if you start fumbling with your phone, it’s going to get you hurt or killed, and in an emergency of any kind, you must keep your wits, you must have the use of your hands, and you must be as covert as possible.
3. Carry Protection
Today we have so many options available to carry as weapons against predators. Regardless of the weapon or defense tool you carry, know how to use it. If you carry pepper spray, keep it close and easy to get to. Spraying it into the eyes of your assailant will provide you valuable seconds in an emergency situation. If you carry a license to use a gun, practice how and when to use a gun properly. Never be afraid to practice for what may never happen, but if it does you will be ready.
4. Self Defense
Not everyone can afford to take self defense classes, but everyone knows the most vulnerable areas of the human body. The key to survival in an emergency situation is adding seconds to your life so you may escape the situation. A kick to the pelvis area is the first place to bring an attacker to their knees. Don’t be afraid to kick them hard, male or female. A sharp attack to the pelvic bone will bring anyone to their knees. Grabbing and squeezing the ball sack is most effective on a male. Grab it so hard you nearly pull it off. Use your fingers in their eyes or throat, and if you have to bite their nose or ears, bite as hard as you can. Keep yourself focused on the situation at hand. Fight like you have never fought before. You may get hit, beaten and battered, but you will survive. Fight back and never be embarrassed for what you had to kick or grab, your life is worth a whole lot more.
4. Watch your Social Media use
Social media today is the downfall of so many. I realize no one wants to hear that because social media makes them feel good about themselves. It gives everyone that instant gratification of “being liked”. But predators can watch and follow your social media accounts, even those you may not think are predators. Be careful about the information you post, including where you're going, when you'll be there, and what you'll be doing while you're there. All of these are valuable pieces of information to predators. Protect yourself in every way you possibly can and never leave yourself open to what a predators next move may be. If you are going to post about an event in your life, post after the fact not before.
There are many more self defense tactics that can be discussed in defending one’s self in an emergency situation, but buying yourself seconds, even minutes, allows you to escape a scene that otherwise may prove tragic. There are wonderful articles and books on the internet on avoiding situations that may put you at risk of an attack, but no one is totally protected from things happening to them. Although we like to consider ourselves invincible, we are not. Wake up and smell the coffee because those most equipped and protected will be the survivors in the future. I hope each of you reading this blog are future survivors, and that you will take a few moments and put your own strategy together in the event a predator invades your world.