
Covert Alert will protect you while using Dating Apps

Dating Apps

Whether you are a college student, newly single – young adult, or a parent who is interested in understanding the use of dating apps such as Tinder, or Bumble, you should know the use of these apps have brought the world of networking and flirting, much closer. The most important things to consider when ensuring safety while using dating apps is to make sure you’re talking to the actual person, yes catfishing is 100% real and can happen to anyone. Second, know when to take the conversation out of the in app messages, and finally choose a location to meet your match at a time and place that you’d feel comfortable in if anything were to go wrong.

Using these apps comes with the idea of talking to complete strangers, you essentially may have no clue who these other singles are. Just their first name, some pictures, and hopefully other linked social media. Not every match can be a bad case, but it’s often important to give yourself an extra layer of sources to know that your match isn’t entirely a stranger. Which brings me to my first important strategy to safely using dating apps: linked social media.

1. Attached social media

When creating a dating profile you are asked if you’d like to allow potential matches to view photos on other social media platforms. This is one of the easiest ways to truly get to know the person you are interested in because sometimes 2 pictures of a person and a short bio without an additional link to their instagram can lower the chances of them getting swipes, or matches. Although these apps generally do not give out last names, and only a glance at more photos: this is important to understand that this is their way of keeping your private life safe. The pros of having the option to see instagram posts from a person is knowing that they are users on other social medias and are truly verified as that person, so any thoughts of catfishing are out of the loop. But if you as a user are considering linking your instagram remember that others on your posts are also being shown to these viewers, so making sure any revealing content is reviewed and that your instagram is showing what you’d like these people to see.

2. Knowing when to take conversation outside the app

For the most part, you or your match have to start the conversation somehow. Apps like Bumble allow 24 hours to begin a conversation, if not the match is expired. They even offer suggestions as to what to say when you’ve both swiped right! Once you’re in that messaging chat knowing when to take it outside and onto something more like snapchat, or giving your phone number out can be a pretty important factor in your match relationship, especially involving your safety. One of the best ways to do so is completely chat on the app until you both feel comfortable to literally see more of each other on snapchat, or to meet IRL. I suggest meeting in person and then moving it outside of the lines, like texting or adding each other social media platforms- just to be more cautious. Staying inside the world of these dating apps can especially help if the date, or person becomes something you don’t think you’ll want more of in the future because you won’t have them on outside social media where they are able to reach out to you again. Taking things slow at first can place a huge implication on what the future might hold.

3. Meeting in the right location

first, whenever you are going to meet your match let someone you’re close to, or any family members know where you’re going or consider sharing locations with them. In case of the event of the unexpected happening, downloading the Covert Alert app and having that hands free voice activated safety measure to apply; can save your life with real time locations and immediate notifications to your loved ones. Having that extra layer of security is available at all times and is almost always a necessity to have when you’re meeting someone new. Choosing the right location should be a popular public place. For example your favorite place to eat, shop, or location in your college town. Going to a place in location wise that you are familiar with, that isn’t far from other attractions and have a general population that isn’t too overwhelming.

Taking extra care of yourself when it comes down to meeting strangers is a crucial part of online dating. Trust is something that is built and earned, making sure you have extra layers of security such as downloading Covert Alert, and putting your safety first is always the most important part. For more information visit’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, for you have every right to end the conversation and unmatch as you please. Following these key safety tips in online dating can prepare you for creating a comfortable and safe environment for you and your match. For those who have tried online dating, what was your experience like? Any problems with safety, or would covert alert been helpful for you if you had known about it prior to the match? Let us know in the comments.

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