
2020 A Time To Begin Again

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Giving yourself the grace of a new year to leave what is behind you in 2019 – for good. But for others the things we have no choice but to leave in the past year were the lives that were lost due to tragedies involving safety. One case in particular that hit home for me was one that took place five nights before Christmas day, in Birmingham, Alabama.

According to CBS news Paighton Laine Houston, 29, was last seen leaving the Tin Roof Bar willingly with two men in Birmingham, Alabama. But that wasn’t the first particular thing that caught my eye in this case. The titles of each article I’ve continuously read all end with “texted friend she was afraid leaving the bar…” and then weeks after her disappearance one titled, “Alabama woman who texted she might be in trouble found dead.”

A text message – one quick send to her co-worker in hopes that would be enough for her loved ones to be able to find her in the worst circumstances she was feeling at this point. This is where my body is left in desperate sorrow for what could have been different for Paighton and her family or for anyone in the Birmingham area if they were aware of the power Covert Alert has in protection.

Whether you are new to our blog, or have never heard of Covert Alert; this is an app that can simply do one thing and that is to protect you in these moments where your safety is on the line. In one voice activated command your real time location and an immediate message to every close friend, or family member you’ve enabled to receive this information will know where you are and the app begins recording the events unfolding before the victim.

Now think about this, with our app the circumstances Paightons family had to face coming into the new year could have been completely different. As chilling as this information is, now in 2020 I believe this app automatically has an incredible backing to keeping your loved ones safe. But now this is where you, myself, and Covert Alert come together. To change the way the crimes, kidnappings, abductions, trafficking, will have on our lives this year. Imagine the entire state of Alabama coming together to bring awareness of how powerful a simple downloaded system on a cell phone could impact the lives of a loved one lost. It is now your job as a reader to take the willingness you have within yourself to spread the word to every loved one you know. No matter the age, to download and use this voice activated safety measure that could bring the slightest measure of ease in the fact of knowing that if something were to happen this year, they will know immediately.


One thing as daily media consumers, users, and humans have is the power of connection. The word connected is the backing of the way Covert Alert can save many lives. For Paighton’s family, her mom had connected us all through a facebook post according to another CBS news article that came two weeks after their daughters last text message, that prayers were answered in being able to bring her home, and that the love around the world was appreciated. The connection Paighton brought to many is something I will hold onto as I go through my days. I pray the legacy for the Houston families daughter will change the outlook on safety this year, and may 2020 be the beginning of a purely connected and protected lifestyle.

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